Sunday, May 22, 2011

First of Many

We attended our first of many weddings this summer on Saturday. It turned out to be a beautiful day! Best wishes to the bride and groom as they begin their life together!! We had a great time with family and friends, but I was glad to get the kids. Seems like 24 hours is about my limit to be away from them. It was nice to have a quiet house for a few hours anyway!

Sleep is a good thing!

Here's the look of a baby who is now sleeping through the night:) It's so nice to get back in a good sleep routine! I love this age, when he is really showing us his personality! So fun!!

Allergy update

Nolan's allergies have gotten worse over the last week. By Friday morning we decided he needed to be seen again... he's such a sport, even when he's feeling miserable! We walked out of the dr office with yet another allergy med, making a total of four. We will give this a try for a week and see how it goes! The good part about the rain this weekend is that his symptoms weren't near as bad!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Reports

For a Friday the 13th, we had pretty good reports today from the docs: Eryn and Nolan were to the dentist with no cavaties, and Derek's 6 month appt went well too! He weighs in at 18 lb 4 oz and is 26 1/2 inches long. All those nighttime feedings are helping him grow up to be a big boy! But, sleeping through the night is still a challenge, but I am stickingto my guns and going to get Derek to soothe himself back to sleep and get in a better sleep routine. Its so hard to do when they cry for such a long time, but after 6 months, it's time. Wish us luck!!

Derek is also sporting his first tooth!! YEAH! It seems like we have been waiting forever for it!! Hopefully that helps the sleeping situation so we can get into a better routine before the next tooth pokes through!

Looking forward to enjoying the rest of this long weekend!

"The Boys"

Ok, so I don't want to be one of those mom's that dresses their kids alike all the time....but for right now Nolan thinks it's pretty cool that he and Derek can wear the same kind of PJ's...

Look.. no training wheels!!

Nolan can finally ride his bike without training wheels! If you remember, he got a new bike for his birthday in November, and it's a little bigger than the bike you see here in the picture. Randy took off the training wheels and away Nolan went! Now...just to get him trained in how to turn around without wiping out! No injuries yet!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Luther PALS farewell...

Eryn with Chelsea and Alice, her Luther PALS

Look at this cool dude! Nolan thought it would be funny to put his sunglasses on Derek. Funny enough, Derek didn't seem to mind at all!

We started off our Saturday by running a 5K... me that is, while the rest of the fam watched and cheered me on. It was fun! Itwas good to get outside finally and run, rather than on the treadmill in the basement. I am really looking forward to summer!

After the race the kids and I went to Decorah while Randy went to work. We had some last minute shopping to do for Mother's Day tomorrow! At noon we dropped Eryn off at Luther to spend some time with her PALS Alice and Chelsea. She has been paired up with those girls for 2 years now, an they are graduating next weekend, so today was Eryn's final time to hang out with them. While she was doing that, the boys and I picked up my Grandma and had lunch. It was so nice to spend some time with her, and the weather was beautiful!

We picked up Eryn later in the afternoon and made a quick stop at Pinter's outside of Decorah. We got what we needed and headed home for some much needed rest! We spent the rest of the day catching up on chores at home while Randy continues in the field. With the late start with crops this year, it's a real push to get things done!


On Friday night Eryn had her final dance performance for the year. She really has grown so much this year! She is not as shy and is a little more outgoing. She wants to dance next year, but I still get a firm "NO" to little league. Oh well! It's good for kids to not have those committments too! I am looking forward to less running back and forth to Calmar for dance practice and CCD. It will be a nice break!

Spring Concert

Nolan got picture happy during the concert.... the picture below makes me laugh because the program seemed to last a Llllooonnggg time....the older kids had quite a few songs to sing!

Eryn had a special part playing the bells.

On the way to the concert....yep that's another battle wound on Nolan's cheek. Seems he ran into the apple tree at daycare!

As usual, Nolan was taking his pics during the concert:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tractor Time!

The weather has finally straightened out and Randy is in the field!! Nolan was so excited to get out there tonight! Randy was working close to home so it worked out great to get out there.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 months old!

I cannot believe that Derek is already 6 months old! He is so fun! He's rolling (although he prefers not to) and sitting up! He has a tremendous appetite! He is also working on cutting teeth. He still doesn't sleep through the night, but who could when you are in the pain of getting teeth? I will post pictures later this week. He wasn't in the mood tonight to cooperate for a picture!

Busy week this week with Eryn's Spring concert at school as well as a dance recital on Friday night. She also meets with her Luther Pals on Saturday one last time before they graduate!

I signed up for the 5K in Calmar on Saturday too... a little nervous being the first race post baby. We'll see how it goes!

Randy has officially started fieldwork tonight, so things get just a bit more hectic at night! Oh well, it's only for a few weeks!