Thursday, December 23, 2010

Back In Action...A Wild Christmas so far!

I've been MIA for a few days.... long story that starts on Saturday. We had the Carolan family Christmas which I so look forward to every year. This year was no different. Lots of laughs and good times with family that we don't always see very often. The kids had a blast too, and got some nice gifts (thanks to great grandma and Great aunt Leann and uncle Mark). After that, we headed to Mom and Dad's for a bit, and the two older kids decided to stay over and have a sleepover with Keegan and Lexie. Derek was a bit over-stimulated from being held and spoiled much of the day so he was ready for some sleep.

On Sunday we headed back over to mom and dad's for our family Christmas. Again lots of food and fun.... and that's when things started to head south. On the drive home, Nolan got sick to his stomach. Later that day Eryn had her dance performance and I took her while Randy stayed home with the boys. Eryn did an AWESOME job at dance!! We are so proud of her!! Once we got home, both her and I were not feeling well, and well, it was all downhill from there. Monday me and all the kids were home sick. Yes, poor little Derek too! Randy took him into the dr on Monday just to get him checked out. Never have I had such a little baby get the stomach flu!! I took him back for a recheck on Tuesday and stayed home again with the boys. We are all feeling a little better each day, and little by little feeding Derek more and more. I think it's been the most difficult for Derek, because he is SO hungry (and weighing in at 11 lbs at the dr!) and we can only feed him a few ML at a time. The plus side to this is that he has had three nights now where he sleeps from 11 or 12 until 5 or 6, so we are both able to get some sleep. However Randy managed not to get this illness I don't know, but he is sure lucky! At last count, over 20 of the 40 Carolan's at Christmas got hit by the flu!!

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