Ok, I found out this week that I really dislike technology! Last Wednesday my computer (laptop) was infected with a virus. No big deal, I thought and away it wen to the Geek Squad to be fixed. Well, low and behold, it took them a week and a half to fix it, and when I got home I was not able to connect to the internet. GRRR... so after one hour on the phone I was stil no further ahead, but really frustrated:)
Luckily my hubby can work wonders and was able to get it up and running on Saturday. It's sad how much I depend on technology, but it sure makes life easier!!!
So today I figured I better update the blog, since it had been a while (not to mention another crazy week!). Well... yet another suprise was in store for me. I am guessing that the old blog was infected with the virus cuz I can't sign into it! So here I am starting over on the blog, but not giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where to start... this week.... kind of a blur... went fast. Only four days of work (yeah!!!). The kids had a good week; Eryn did not have school on Friday due to Kindergarten round up so she and I went to Waterloo to pick up the computer and a few other things. We had lunch with my sister Cindy before heading back to Spillville. On Friday night I had a Pampered Chef party, which was a lot of fun. We were all up early on Saturday morning and the kids and I headed to my parents, where the kids stayed during the day, while I went with some friends for some much needed R and R. We went to La'James in CF for pedis, mud therapy, and massages.... so relaxed when we walked out of there! We did a little shopping before heading back home. I had intended on leaving the kids at mom and dads so Randy and I could go out for supper to celebrate my bday, but Eryn was not feeling the greatest when I arrived so the plans changed to pizza and movie night at the Sabelka household, which was what I think we all needed! We all feel asleep early (some of us (Nolan) very early) so we were all rested up this morning!! Randy made a great breakfast and we all hung around the house until it was time to take Eryn to Luther Pals in Decorah. She LOVES spending time with her Luther PALS and today was no different. With the amazing spring weather it was a perfect day for "Olympics Day." She got to run track, play kickball, volleyball, etc. She was tuckered out when we picked her up. By that time we were all in need of a little "pick me up" so we got ice cream... YUM!!! Now we are getting ready for supper and it will be time for me to pick up the books and get going on this week's homework.... never a good thing to start on a Sunday night, but it has to be done! This week will be another busy one! I will be sure to keep you all up to date on what is happening!!
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