Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there, especially to my husband, who is a great father, as well as my dad and father in law! You are all very special to our family!! I also cannot forget my grandfather's who are not with us today, but I think of them often and miss them!!
Today there was not much time for rest, but everyone but me slept in past 8! I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast and then it was off to various projects for the day!
After a few minor setbacks with the garage project today, Randy was again at it to get some of the dirt leveled off in the yard. It looks so much better! With all of the rain that they are saying we are going to get this week, it will make for less work later...hopefully!
The kids and I decided to give Randy his Father's Day gift yesterday before we left for Grandma's birthday party.... I figured he would want to wear it right away since my uncle and him rival against the Yankees and Red Sox. Sure enough, he wanted to wear it! We were in such a hurry to get going that I didn't even get a picture with him wearing it. We had a great time the party, and had a chance to catch up with family we haven't seen in a few months.
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