Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year/Time Capsule

Happy 2014! I'm a little late with the blog post, with really no good reason.  We've settled into hibernation mode around here, and with record cold hitting us as we speak, it will be at least Tuesday before these kids head back to school.  We've left the house once all weekend, and I'm not looking forward to going out in it tomorrow, but it's one day closer to warmer temps and vacation, so I'm looking on the bright side!!

So, backtracking to New Years.  The kids tried to stay up until midnight, but as we walked back in the house just shy of the new year, they were sound asleep in the living room.  Randy and I enjoyed a delicious supper out with some good friends, followed by some dice/card games.  Nice and low key, just the way I like it.

 Speaking of low key, this time of year there's a lot of talk about resolutions.  This year I am taking a different approach to it and not labeling them resolutions.  They are more of my focus, things I am trying to stay on top of in my life.  I can sum it up in one word:


New Years Day was spent with my family celebrating my dad turning 62. I was in charge of the birthday cake and with Dad being a chocolate lover, what better cake than chocolate twinkie cake!!

This afternoon there was much hooting and hollerin' when I got word that school is cancelled tomorrow.  While I am not suprised, I am beginning to think this Holiday Break is getting a tad long!  We scoured the internet looking for projects to  do while we are stuck inside and alas, I found a good one for the new year.  A time capsule!  A fun way to reflect on the year, and think about things in a "kid's view."

New Year's Eve Time Capsule (with printables) makes a great project to do with your kids.  "Bury" it in a keepsake box so they can see what was their favorites for each year growing up.

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