Saturday, May 31, 2014

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

One of the many great things about this time of year is the start of all the fresh produce available.  One of them being rhubarb.  Strawberry Rhubarb Pie is one of Randy's favorites, and on the agenda for today.  After a morning of buzzing around Amish Blvd and picking up some great deals (half off veggie plants for the garden, fresh wheat bread and a gallon of coconut oil at a stellar price) we returned home to get some things crossed off that to do list.

I'll admit, I am not a great pie maker. That's one thing I wish I would have spent more time learning from my grandma's when I was young.  I cheated this time and used a store bought crust.  My other work around was that this recipe called for fresh strawberries, which I forgot to get at the store this week and my go-to-store Huber's didn't have any either!  So, I used frozen.  I think it turned out just as good, just a bit runny.  Thanks to Pinterest I keep finding some yummy recipes!  Here's the link.  Enjoy!

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