Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Slim Down/Tone Up

As warm weather approaches so does swimsuit season.  Not that I wear one very often, but it is a good time to start some new habits. With warmer weather, longer days, and fresh fruits and veggies all around, its a great time to get motivated!  Here are some tips I've been using/implementing into my schedule the past couple of weeks. Keep in mind that different things work for different people and I am definitely not an expert in this area, just thought I would share my journey.  I've been learning alot from other people via Instagram.  It's forward progress, learning something new each and every day.

It may be "easier" to put your money down on some weight loss pills, or other "fad" diets that seem to be in the headlines these days.  Those of you who know me well know that I am not a fan of those at all (and could go on and on about them:)) but have learned through my own trials to stick to the basics of eating right and working out.  I know, boring right?!  It's hard work, but I am up for the challenge, are you??

So... here's what I've been doing, and I've seen some favorable results.  I'm not looking to lose weight, just want to be stronger and healthier! 

1. Calorie counting: I use a calorie count app on my phone to log water consumed, as well as a food and exercise log.  Keeps me honest and not guessing as to what I've been eating and the activity levels I am at each day.

2. We invested in a scale that keeps track of more than just your weight. Remember it's not a number but how your clothes fit.  It also tracks body water weight %, body fat % and BMI.  All good things to keep in check to be healthier and stronger!

3. IT'S NOT A DIET!  I still have cake, pop, and all the foods I love.  I just keep it in check by counting the calories.  The goal is always to expend more calories than you consume.  Easy, right?  I also allow myself a "free" day each week where I don't use calorie count AT ALL.  After a day I'm ready to get back at it. It's amazing how eating right makes you feel SO.MUCH.BETTER!

4. Activity/Exercise: I make time to workout at least once a day.  Anything from the elliptical, to running, HIIT workouts ( is a great on) or make up your own.  Push mowing the lawn counts too!!

5. No BODY is perfect! Sometimes the biggest battle is in your mind....with yourself!  Don't compare yourself to others, you are unique and that is OK!  You have to do what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.  Own it!

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